CAD Drawings 0330 001 0750
Fire Evacuation Plans
Do I need a Fire Evacuation Plan?
Yes you do! If you are an employer, owner or occupier of premises that is not your private home. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone in the event of a fire. By law, every company should have a fire evacuation plan. If the fire service visited your property they would flag you for neglecting fire safety standards.
All of our plans conform with the latest British Standard; Fire Safety symbols used are in accordance with ISO 7010 and all colours in accordance with BS ISO 23601:2020.
Fire Escape Plan
Our range of Fire Plans can be used by both the occupants as well as emergency services. They will be designed to compliment your existing evacuation strategy and specific needs of the building's occupants. Fire plans should be displayed:
On every floor at the main entry points to the floor or building.
Main corridors.
Lift lobbies and stairs.
For hotels - in every guest room and common area.
Coffee points and meeting rooms.
An evacuation plan in every room of a hotel is vital to ensure guests are aware of the quickest and safest evacuation route in case of an emergency. Usually displayed on the back of the bedroom door,.
​Our Fire Evacuation Plans are scalable to the size of the organisation we work for. Our Fire Evacuation Plans can be used in small offices through to large, complex buildings We create plans for both residential and commercial properties.
We also have a range of finishes that can be used to display your fire plans such as, snap frames, aluminium framing and acrylic printing. Please feel free to discuss any requirements you have with us. The quickest way we can create your plans is by using an existing building drawing. If you don't have these available, we can create your plans in a variety of ways as detailed on our Floor Plans page.​
See our recent work! We are the experts in creating Fire Evacuation Plans Online
Fire Evacuation Plan for a Nursery
Fire Evacuation Plan for a School

Fire Evacuation Plan for a Theatre
What is a Fire Evacuation Plan?
Fire Evacuation Plan for a Hotel
Our Fire Evacuation Plans
Fire Evacuation plans are used to quickly direct the user to the nearest fire exit and identifies the location of the assembly point.
Information such as fire extinguishers and manual call points are also highlighted on our plans. These will allow your plans to conform with BS23601:2009 (rev 2010) .
Our range of Fire Zone Plans are designed to be clear and easily read.
Fire Evacuation Plan for a Warehouse
Fire Evacuation Plan for a Warehouse
Failing to keep plans up to date can introduce incorrect and potentially fatal details on the fire escape plans.
Changes that we can make to existing plans include:
Alterations to Escape Routes
Changes to Fire Exits
Movement or Additions to Fire Equipment
Assembly Location Points
All of the above are vital to the accuracy of your escape plan.